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Privacy Policy

Your security matters to us. We use treats that are fundamental for our site to work. To work on our site, we might want to utilize extra treats to customize your experience.

Treat Policy

Cookies are little message records that are put away by your PC (this incorporates cell phones, tablets, or any gadget that you use to get to the web) that contains minute snippets of data explicit to a site or a client. We use treats to give the most ideal experience on our site. Treats on this site are utilized to:

  • Help us Recall you for sign in purposes.
  • Track client experience and site.
  • Measure traffic to our site.

A few elements that are intended to give you a superior web-based experience possibly work assuming we use treats. You can alter your perspective whenever at the same time, for the present, if it’s not too much trouble, permit us to store and access treats on your gadget for the reason depicted.

Terms Of Use

Unless otherwise stated in legal notices elsewhere on this World Wide Web server, any person is hereby authorized to view, copy, print and distribute any document published by Dvayweb on its WWW server provided that it is:

  • for personal use
  • for non-commercial use
  • for information purposes,
  • and reference is made to Dvayweb when the document is used.

Note that any product, process or technology described in a document on this server may be subject of other Intellectual Property Rights owned by Dvayweb or any of its subsidiaries and not licensed hereunder. The same may apply to Intellectual Property Rights owned by others.



is the trademark or registered trademark of Dvayweb. All other product or service names mentioned in a document on this server are trademarks of their respective companies.

Information on this server is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

The information herein may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes may periodically be made to the information and will be incorporated in new editions of this document. Dvayweb may make improvements or changes in products and programs described in this publication at anytime without notice.


We give a disclaimer this site is worked by DvayWeb Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. The improvement of our site is with a plan to give data to our guests/clients about our administration contributions, items, advancements, declarations, or some other business-related data.

We give the disclaimer that all the information accessible on our site, including material, information, administrations, and so on, is according to our best information however it might incorporate mistakes or typographical blunders. The improvement, alteration, or refreshing of the data or information accessible on this site, is a consistent and continuous cycle.

Further, we give the disclaimer that entrance or utilization of our site, in any way at all, is dependent upon our consent. By visiting our site or any of its auxiliary destinations or microsites thereof, you explicitly proclaim yourself to consent to this disclaimer. Assuming there is any trouble in getting this disclaimer or on the other hand on the off chance that you disagree with the substance thereof, we demand you to end utilizing our site.

Further, we maintain all authority to change this Disclaimer by any means/any time. It is the obligation of the guests/clients to routinely peruse the relevant disclaimer.

Copyright: Dvayweb. All rights reserved.

Changes to this policy

Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

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